Hudson is 2 months old now! Mommy & Daddy can't believe how fast the time has gone. Here are the latest stats:
*Weighs 13 lbs (this is not from the Dr but from Daddy standing on the scale with and without him)
*Moving into the 3-6 month clothes, which is much sooner than me. Mommy says at this age, I was still wearing newborn size
*Sleeping much better at night now (most nights 2 times is the most he gets up and usually goes right back to sleep after eating)
*Enjoys watching his bear mobile in the pack 'n play and can be very vocal about them when they stop spinning
*Loves going to work with Mommy and getting lots of attention (I don't mind this because I get to play with my friends all day at Lisa's)
*Smiles, smiles, smiles especially at me!